Natural fruit and vegetable powder, steamed steamed bread, raw materials, color toning, food coloring, ice skin, moon cake cake, baking, commercial pumpkin powder
Natural fruit and vegetable powder, steamed steamed bread, raw materials, color toning, food coloring, ice skin, moon cake cake, baking, commercial pumpkin powder
Natural fruit and vegetable powder, steamed steamed bread, raw materials, color toning, food coloring, ice skin, moon cake cake, baking, commercial pumpkin powder
Natural fruit and vegetable powder, steamed steamed bread, raw materials, color toning, food coloring, ice skin, moon cake cake, baking, commercial pumpkin powder
Natural fruit and vegetable powder, steamed steamed bread, raw materials, color toning, food coloring, ice skin, moon cake cake, baking, commercial pumpkin powder
Natural fruit and vegetable powder, steamed steamed bread, raw materials, color toning, food coloring, ice skin, moon cake cake, baking, commercial pumpkin powder
Taste : Spinach powder 100g

BDT 227.15

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BDT 00.0

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মিডিয়াম - ৯৯৯ টাকা প্রতি কেজি

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