Pregnant women's snacks, daily nuts, pregnancy special nutritional snacks, early, mid and late pregnancy, no additives, clean ingredients
Pregnant women's snacks, daily nuts, pregnancy special nutritional snacks, early, mid and late pregnancy, no additives, clean ingredients
Pregnant women's snacks, daily nuts, pregnancy special nutritional snacks, early, mid and late pregnancy, no additives, clean ingredients
Pregnant women's snacks, daily nuts, pregnancy special nutritional snacks, early, mid and late pregnancy, no additives, clean ingredients
Pregnant women's snacks, daily nuts, pregnancy special nutritional snacks, early, mid and late pregnancy, no additives, clean ingredients
Pregnant women's snacks, daily nuts, pregnancy special nutritional snacks, early, mid and late pregnancy, no additives, clean ingredients
Food taste : Orange Children's 510g/carton (17g*30 packs) 6 kinds of nuts (with pistachios)

BDT 2098.25

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Total price

BDT 00.0

রেগুলার - ৭৯৯ টাকা প্রতি কেজি

মিডিয়াম - ৯৯৯ টাকা প্রতি কেজি

হেভি - ১১৯৯ টাকা প্রতি কেজি

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