Guzheng strings professional performance level 1-21 strings, full set of strings, loose strings, nylon strings, guzheng strings, single universal one string
Guzheng strings professional performance level 1-21 strings, full set of strings, loose strings, nylon strings, guzheng strings, single universal one string
Guzheng strings professional performance level 1-21 strings, full set of strings, loose strings, nylon strings, guzheng strings, single universal one string
Guzheng strings professional performance level 1-21 strings, full set of strings, loose strings, nylon strings, guzheng strings, single universal one string
Guzheng strings professional performance level 1-21 strings, full set of strings, loose strings, nylon strings, guzheng strings, single universal one string
Guzheng strings professional performance level 1-21 strings, full set of strings, loose strings, nylon strings, guzheng strings, single universal one string
Color : No. 1-5 strings (3 yuan discount than buying a single one) get 1 roll of adhesive tape

No. 1-5 strings (3 yuan discount than buying a single one) get 1 roll of adhesive tape

No. 1-10 strings (9 yuan discount for buying a single one) get 1 roll of adhesive tape and 8 nails

1-21 strings + 10 rolls of tape and 8 nails

No. 1 string

No. 2 string

No. 3 string

4th string

5th string

6th string

7th string

No. 8 string

9th string

10th string

11th string

12th string

13th string

14th string

15th string

No. 16 string

No. 17 string

18th string

19th string

20th string

21st string


BDT 313.775

Total Qty


Total price

BDT 00.0

রেগুলার - ৭৯৯ টাকা প্রতি কেজি

মিডিয়াম - ৯৯৯ টাকা প্রতি কেজি

হেভি - ১১৯৯ টাকা প্রতি কেজি

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