Hotel unmanned cigarette and beverage vending machines, hanging bars, small vending machines, smart vending machines
Hotel unmanned cigarette and beverage vending machines, hanging bars, small vending machines, smart vending machines
Hotel unmanned cigarette and beverage vending machines, hanging bars, small vending machines, smart vending machines
Hotel unmanned cigarette and beverage vending machines, hanging bars, small vending machines, smart vending machines
Hotel unmanned cigarette and beverage vending machines, hanging bars, small vending machines, smart vending machines
Hotel unmanned cigarette and beverage vending machines, hanging bars, small vending machines, smart vending machines
Color : Four-sided atmosphere 10 cargo aisle tabletop model

Special Fee for Special Production

Other combination lanes are booked


BDT 26950

Total Qty


Total price

BDT 00.0

রেগুলার - ৭৯৯ টাকা প্রতি কেজি

মিডিয়াম - ৯৯৯ টাকা প্রতি কেজি

হেভি - ১১৯৯ টাকা প্রতি কেজি

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